"On the Road" with the San Diego Highwayman aka Thomas Weller

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I HAVE seen the "LIGHT" -- It's REAL!

The "White LIGHT" -- It CAME FOR ME! -- June 1st 2024 9:30 pm
It's REAL!


Saturday, June 1st 2024 -- If you have ever seen the movie Ghost w Patrick Swazi and Demi Moore, I can personally tell you that the scene where he is lifted BY the light, having died, is stunningly ACCURATE --because it HAPPENED to ME!

I was home alone and had just risen from an afternoon siesta, wearing only my sleeping togs, feelin kinda punk, when I went to the front door, to let Sadie [ our dog ] out, then followed her out to the garden gate.

All of a sudden, I was overcome w waves of nausea and dizziness -- the world was spinning around me! I made it TO the front door, opened it, recalled Sadie, and luckily she came right away --

I stumbled across the living room carpet and collapsed on the floor w my head on the seat of the couch! I couldn't move, couldn't see straight, and couldn't respond to questions when my wife and her sister arrived just 10 min later --

Patti called 911 and the paramedic ambulance and engine co arrived shortly after --

I was immediately transported to the closest emergency room [ Grossmont ] [ we have Kaiser ] [ Luckily they have "sharing" for critical cases ] They wired me up w so MANY wires and sensors that I felt like my Beulah w *her* miles of wiring in disarray --- anyways,

a *temporary" pacemaker was installed in my right side neck vein [ my heart wasn't workin correctly] with a permanent one scheduled

to be installed in my left chest the next day -- I immediately felt BETTER -- BUT, later that evening, something went wrong with the temporary pacemaker and I went into severe decline again!

I was wheeled into the elevator and down we went to a basement operating room that had been hurriedly readied -- only 3 people there that I saw going in fast.

When the temporary pacemaker was bring removed from my neck, I suddenly felt an INTENSE pain, and everything went BLANK and a BRIGHT white light shown down on me from above -- I couldn't see ANYthing but that light -- it enveloped me! I could hear garbled exclamations , and FEEL multiple hands pulling me BACK! and he next thing I knew, I woke up in my hospital room, feelin better, w a new permanent pacemaker installed in my left chest!

Feelin lucky and BLESSED that it WASN'T the "shadow creatures" that got me


gonna haveta continue this later, As I have *just* returned home from the hospital and I'm feelin weak just now

[ to be continued ] I hope - -----

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