Peerless - Security - SCC Super Z SNOW CABLES and TIRE CHAINS Where to FIND them IN San Diego
Snowbird Tire Chains YELPED
MANY years of testimonials and stories from wonderful, happy clients HERE :)
We are AVAILABLE --*BY appointment*
8AM TO 6PM Mon - Fri --
-10AM to 6PM Sat - Closed Sun
You can CALL 619-442-3767 during those hours for an appointment to be fitted with whichever snowchains or snowcables you
prefer --
Please understand that we utilize our answering machine to screen out the plethora of scamming, telemarketing, and nuisance
calls directed at our age demographic, so
SO when you call, please start out yer message with yer name and number FIRST and then, yer query with tire size and
vehicle type included --
We've found that traveling mobile phones tend to cut out on their messages, so if we don't pick up right away, or get
back to you within a day, it might be that we missed yer call and you may want to e-mail us instead,
snowtraction@aol.com -- 24/7 [ answered most of the time we're awake ;) ]
Times generally take 1/2 hour for cables or an hour for chains as *they* are cut to fit exactly
Please have your tire size handy [ 3 number sequence on the sidewall of your tire ] to speed the process when you call
further information available HERE
Reviews of our service and products supplied HERE https://www.yelp.com/biz/snowbird-tire-chains-el-cajon
AND HERE https://snowchains.tripod.com/snowchainsfittintestimonials/
We HAVE the chains - cables sizes you NEED for your monster mudder tires -----
OR -- your mini - skinny *small* vehicle tires --- and EVERYthing in between -- EVERY set PERFECTLY FITTED.
We carry SCC Super Z 6 & Super Z 8 -- also Super Z LT and Shur Grip Z SNOWCABLES along with QuikGrip link SNOWCHAINS
in most sizes -- also have V-bar reinforced "icebreaker" SNOWCHAINS for exceptional grip in mud and snow.
Personal one-on-one instruction, installation demonstration included with every snowchains,
tirechains, or snowcables set purchased.
"SNOWCHAINS 101" spoken and taught here.
Phone 619-442-3767 8am to 6pm PST -- OR --
for the best fitting SNOWCHAINS around.
Serving clients from San Diego, La Jolla, Malibu, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Mt. Laguna,
Pine Valley, Glendale, Burbank, Anaheim, Pasadena, Culver city, Santa Monica, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach,
Thousand Oaks, Orange County, Big Bear, Mammoth, Tahoe, Tijuana, Baja Mexico [ no habla Espanol however ]
and points further north, south, and east. if you can endeavor to bring your vehicle HERE for fitment.
We HAVE your "impossible to find" snowchains sizes!
a 3 day nightmare at Big Bear! LA Times story! One of my clients was THERE -- and has a terrific good KARMA story to tell
of it! :)
SNOWCHAINS fittin experience Testimonials
A NIGHTmare story of poorly fitted snowchains!
WHERE to GIT yer Adventure Pass to avoid gittin an expensive ticket parkin besides the roads w-out it
RENT snowchains? NOPE! nobody does anymore -- too many issues --
YELP SNOWCHAIN fitting experience reviews
I have SNOWCHAINS TIRECHAINS and SNOWCABLES to fit most cars, trucks, suvs, rvs, 4x4s,
even motorhomes, tractor-trailers, and tour buses.
fit, everytime. Unique installation device of my own design included with every set.
[ Makes the labor of putting your SNOWCHAINS on CONSIDERABLY less :) ]
PLEASE NOTE-- I do *NOT* ship SNOWCHAINS -- NOR do I offer carry-out sales without
pre-fitting. You must be able to present your vehicle here in San Diego for proper fitment and instruction. This ensures
that the snow traction devices I provide fit perfectly, and allows me to impart to you SNOWCHAINS101 ---the tricks and tips that
I have learned from more then 40 years of installing them on all types of vehicles.
Speed limit with chains or cables is 25 MPH
I serve the San Diego County area mostly, but, that said, if you are willing to travel
whatever distance you must to present your vehicle for fitting, I stand ready to serve you. I have had folks come from as
far as Arizona, Nevada, and Northern California -- even TEXAS -- when they were unable to find chains to fit properly
on their SUVs.
Yes, I can fit Saturn and Mercedes Benz!
Acadia, Envoy, Equinox, and Traverse as well
Have you Hummer, BMW, Range Rover, Escalade, Porche, Audi to Toyota, Nissan or
subcompact -- we HAVE your snowchains!
All snowtraction personally fitted for you by the San Diego Highwayman
LIKE us on Facebook
Why I chainup ALL four! [ if I chainup at all ]
One winter's day on Mt Laguna, I was proceeding
down hill on the Sunrise Highway -- in my 2wd,rwd, 55 Ford SAR rig, chained only on my rear drive wheels -- vehicle in front
of me wasn't chained at all -- we came to an exceptionally icy stretch - down hill curve - and the lead vehicle began to fishtail
slowly then overcorrected and slid off the road and over the side - rolling over several times before comin up against a big
pine tree which stopped it's fall -- watched all of this in kinda slow motion.
I, in my adrenalin racin excitement,
turned to the side to pull over to render aid -- all was well -- UNTIL -- I braked to stop!
My SAR rig continued straight
[ w the wheels turned left ] in the skidpath of the previous vehicle till finally stoppin -- with -- I'm shure -- my RF tire
hangin in the air over the edge of the road!
Well -- I said a leetil prayer, threw it inta reverse, backed up and lined
up better w the road edge -- bailed out and ran to assist the unfortunate driver and his passengers outa their battered vehicle
[ was on it's side ] luckily, no one was hurt moren bumps & bruises.
From that day to this, I chain up ALL FOUR
TIRES so that I kin steer as well as move.
Nearta had to clean my seat!
folks are all the time askin me what
I recommend as far as to how many tires to chainup -- I say "from experience -- "
The Highwayman-- a profile
the Highwayman -- a song
Conditions, and STOKE info on Mammoth Mountain -- by one who LIVES, WORKS, and RIDES there -- the Mammoth Snowman
Uplifting, true stories of people helping people in time of need. Heroic Stories
CBS video story -- the Good Samaritan in a Station Wagon
This is TRUE .com -- hard to believe true stories bout criminals, bad behavior, idiotic stunts, and candidates for Darwin
awards FREE link